¿umop apisdn upside down? # ...
OK, so the newsfeed stuff is quite cool 🙂 # Generating some traffic on twitter — more wasted bytest traversing the web… # ...
Yesterday a vulnerability was discovered: a specially crafted URL could be requested that would allow an attacker to bypass a security check to verify a user requested a password reset. As a result, t ...
After an impassioned plea from a developer ont he opensource mailing lists, looking for help through the myriad of 73 versions of open source licenses that are out there, a participant pointed out thi ...
You’ve seen the mail, you’ve looked at the headers, you realise that mail from Microsoft typically does not route through a Brazilian ADSL line (times may be bad, but hey!) You may be wond ...
First ping of the month — PING! 🙂 So version 2.8.3 is out — upgrade now (if you haven’t already!) Quick note – wordpress.com claims “207,826 bloggers, 156,343 new posts, ...