Load Shedding 2023 Lookup Tool - Cape Town

Load Shedding times by stage and area as per current City of Cape Town schedule.

[More info] This tool allows lookup for times and time slots when loadshedding is scheduled for your area. [read on]


Some suburbs overlap areas. #knowyourarea - Find your area here (as JPG) or here (as PDF).
Stage is autoselected when loadshedding active

The new schedule 2019/20/21 (stage 1 to stage 8) is in use.

If you are are billed or supplied by Eskom directly, please have a look at their loadshedding schedule online here. If you are a Johannesburg City Power customer, your schedule is here.

New selection

Current Shedding

Currently, loadshedding is suspended (until further notice). E&OE

Subject to change without notice. This is based on the new City of Cape Town schedule for load shedding, stage 1 - stage 8 as found at capetown.gov.za.
No validity or accuracy is claimed, but information corresponds to schedule.
Please tweet feature requests @svenwelzel.

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http://blog.sven.co.za/shed/ - generated at Sat, 21 Dec 2024 18:57:03 +0200

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