clamav 0.94 finally reaches end of life

clamav finally sent the end-of-life payload yesterday evening – 0.96 is the current version, so it’s been a good run 🙂

Possible symptons you experienced:

  • Repeated notifications:WARNING: getpatch: Can't download daily-
  • All freshclam mirrors are ignored
  • Your mailq fills up with detailed MAILER-DAEMON messages referring to the End-of-Life nature of clamav 0.94
  • (… add your own here…)

But they warned they’d do this in October 2009:

Starting from 15 April 2010 our CVD will contain a special signature which disables all clamd installations older than 0.95 – that is to say older than 1 year.

This move is needed to push more people to upgrade to 0.95 .
We would like to keep on supporting all old versions of our engine, but unfortunately this is no longer possible without causing a disservice to people running a recent release of ClamAV.
The traffic generated by a full CVD download, as opposed to an incremental update, cannot be sustained by our mirrors.

We plan to start releasing signatures which exceed the 980 bytes limit on May 2010.

Remember (if you *really* are still on the old version) — update your /etc/apt/sources.list if you’re on Debian, otherwise, other distros have updated information:


deb etch/volatile main contrib non-free

But you knew that already! 🙂